
Friday, May 27, 2011

The Proverbial Mack Truck Has HIt

Yesterday my pain started out as a Level 6 and eventually went down to a Level 5. ( You can follow this link to read about yesterday.)  Yesterday morning I got up at 8:15. I finished posting about 6:15 last night .  It took me from 11:30a till 6:15p to write one post with stretching breaks, lunch, potty breaks (Go Lasix!!) and trying to think through the fibro fog.  When I was finished i went to the living room to watch TV with my wonderful hubby. My pain level stared going up.  By bedtime it was back up to a Level 7: This level of pain is the kind that keeps you awake at night, makes it hard to think and act. Your prescription medication only dulls the pain for a short time. You limit your activities in order of importance. You really can't work well.

The pain kept me awake all night. I tried reading emails, I tried watching tv.  Nothing helped. I took more breakthrough meds.  Nothing changed. While my hubby., the dog, the cats and the rabbit slept soundly, I sat in my chair.  I read blog posts in Google Reader.  I drank my 7th or 8th glass of iced tea. The next thing I knew the sun was up and and I was still awake.  Hubby went off to work and I finished the form for the LTD insurance company.  I had been working on it 1 1/2 weeks.   I finally finished it about 5 tonight.  They wanted me to tell them in my own words why I couldn't work.  I managed to be polite.

My pain is now at a Level 8: This is serious pain. You don't want to do anything or be bothered by anyone. You have taken so much pain medication you are unable to fully concentrate on anything. Work is out of the question.  I'm going to bed for  the first time since 8:15am yesterday, Wednesday, May 25. It's now 12:23am, Friday May 27.  My math is never good and the pain doesn't help but I think I've been up for 30 hours.  Exhaustion is finally taking over.  Any body want to guess how long I sleep??  I let you know tomorrow when I wake up. :-)

1 comment:

  1. This is a really good documentation of what we go through with fibro and any chronic pain. It is great you could get it down, cause when I feel like this I can't get it into coherent sentences.


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