Thursday, December 8, 2011

Checking In

Woody in his napping spot at the end of our bed
Just a quick check in to say hello!  I'm determine to get back in the habit of writing every day.  This has been a hard week between the appointments Mr. Supportive and I had Monday, his mom having one Tuesday and I had another one today.  I'm not accustom to being away from home that much and it's increased my pain level a good bit.  Right now I'm dealing with Level 6 pain but I'm determined to get the Christmas decoration boxes put away tonight.  Our dog is a lab/basset mix and he's a good 36" long.  When you combine his length, how small the living room is and how many plastic bins are laying around, he's having to back out of places he get's himself into.  There's just not enough room for him to turn around.

Isn't that a cute face. 
We've officially changed internal medicine doctors and I think it's going to be a good fit for both of us.  Every one in the office is fibro friendly which is an awesome thing.  

Right now I'm hurting so bad that I'm headed to my chair to prop my feet up.  Mr. Supportive is in charge of supper so I'm waiting to see what comes out of the kitchen.  He's a much better cook than I am and I'm not ashamed to admit it.  LOL

I've got some new things going on that I'll start sharing with you tomorrow.  Be sure to check back here soon.

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Life is all about learning. Sharing your thoughts will help us do that together. All I ask is that you keep the language PG and that you not leave mean spirited comments.